The staff at the Hayden Public Library is dedicated to ensuring that our patrons’ experiences
at the library are great ones! Please contact us at any time with questions or concerns.

Ana Lash, Library Director
Ana Lash was born in Nevada, but is really an Arizona “native.” She moved to Colorado for this Library Director job! Having never seen or walked in snow, it was a life-changing decision. She began working in a public library in Casa Grande, Arizona part time and graduated from Central Arizona College, Arizona State University with a degree in Liberal Arts/English, and a post baccalaureate degree in Secondary Education from Northern Arizona University after her kids got older. She was fortunate to be offered a chance to earn a Master’s degree from the University of Arizona in a newly created program called “Knowledge River” which was designed to help librarians who worked with minorities (which in Hayden, Arizona, she did!). She moved to Hayden, Colorado in September of 2004. She says, “it has been wonderful living and learning about this beautiful town and state.” Libraries and reading have always been her passion.

Libby Beach,
My name is Libby Beach. A native of Colorado. I grew in Southwestern Colorado exploring the Ute Mountain Ute Indian reservation and all of its historical sites as well as the La Plata and San Juan mountain ranges. I love the outdoors and you can find me there almost every weekend. Some of my favorite activities include camping, hiking, and kayaking. I absolutely love reading and I make my way through about 150 books a year and I just love finding all of the new and interesting titles at the library, but my greatest pleasure on Earth is the time that I get to spend with my grandchildren.

Andoni Cameron, Library Clerk
Originally from England, Andoni has enjoyed living in NW Colorado for many years. An avid nature lover,
she can often be found outside snowshoeing and skiing during winter and hiking in summer. She has two Awesome
Aussies, her companions on most adventures. She and husband Steve enjoy travelling in Colorado attending scent work
events with their dogs. Cooking, gardening and enjoying activities offered by The Hayden Center complete an
enjoyable life living in Hayden

Alaine Montgomery, Library Clerk
Alaine hails from Greeley! She moved to the valley in 1978. She loves camping, fishing, crocheting and volunteering at church and the museum.

Lyn Howe, Library Clerk
Hi! My name is Lyn and have lived in the Hayden area for quite some time. I love mountains, trees, the ocean and just about every animal under the sun, especially goats! The Hayden Library is packed full of wonderful books and people, please stop by for a visit!