Who can borrow books from the library?
Anyone who asks for a library card may obtain one. They will need a mailing address, phone and email to sign up for a card and borrow items
How many books can I check out?
There is a limit of two items the first time you use your card, but after that you may check out up to 30 items at a time.
How do I request titles that are not in the Hayden Library”™s collection?
You can use our online catalog (to request books from other libraries in the AspenCat system, and if you can”™t find what you need there, just call us and we can do some searching for you. We can place holds for you if you ask us.
If visiting the library in-person is not convenient, please complete the form on our website. Fill out as much information as possible about the item or book title you want, including the author, and whether the item is recently published.
Can I check out e-books and/or e-audiobooks?
Yes, you can look for these on our catalog and follow the steps below for “œhow to download ebooks”. Or there’s a how-to video available here.

How do I download Kanopy movie streaming?
Visit our Kanopy link – https://haydenlib.kanopy.com/

Or watch our how-to video here.
How long does it take to get a book?
Depending on the item and where it is coming from, it could be 4 days to 2 weeks. We will email you and/or call you when it arrives.
What is the loan period for books borrowed from other libraries?
Our loan period is one month, but you can ask for longer. We will ask the lending library and if they renew, you can keep it longer.
Can I renew books?
Yes, call us or log into your account using your library card.
What can I do if a book I need is already checked out?
We can place a hold on any item for you. We”™ll call you when it is in.
How does the library notify me when I have overdue books?
We mail you a postcard, email you, and call you.
Where do I return titles I have borrowed?
You can return them in the outside book drop, come inside and put them in our inside book drop. You can also return items to Bud Werner Library in Steamboat Springs, the Moffat County Library in Craig, or any Colorado library and we will get them back.
Can I register to vote at the library?
We are working on this through the Routt County Elections office, so check back with us.
Can I email something I need printed and pick it up later?
Yes, email us at [email protected] and we can print for you. The cost is 15 cents a page.
Can I return videos to the book drop?
Yes you may drop both videos and audiobooks in the book drop.
Can I volunteer at the library? Can teens volunteer?
Yes to both. We always appreciate and welcome volunteers and we can find different types of work and activities that fit your schedule and your abilities.
Do you have a quiet place for individuals to study? Do you offer study rooms?
The library has a community room that is available to all. You can have privacy and quiet, but it must be “œbooked” ahead in case some other group is using it. If the room is unoccupied at the time of need, it can be used. There are also tables in the library that may provide a quiet place to read or study.
Do you have a copier?
We do. The copier can be used for scanning documents to emails and reducing and enlarging as well. Black and white copies cost 15 cents a page, and color costs 40 cents a page.
Does the library accept donations of books and materials?
Yes we do, but we hope you will give us clean, gently used books that can be shared, sold at our book sale, or donated to help a charity.
How can I make a donation to the library in someone’s memory or honor?
We are happy to accept donations of memorial books or money in someone”™s honor. Just talk to the library director for help.
How do I join the Friends of the Library?
You can visit the Friends”™ page on our website, or stop by the library and fill out a membership form. The dues to join are $5 for the year. The Friends are always happy to have new members. They meet monthly.
How do I reserve a meeting room?
Just call us or stop by and we can put your meeting on our calendar. You can have a key to the library to access the community room if your meeting is before or after our regular hours.
How far back do your copies of the Hayden Valley Press go?
The newspapers are stored in the library. You can borrow a back issue but it must stay in the library. You are welcome to make copies of anything you need. The dates we have are 1966-2007. We also have Hayden High School yearbooks that are digitized and can be borrowed.
What”™s the best way care for library materials?
We ask you to think of our materials as your materials, and hope that you will care for them accordingly. The one major request we make is to please don”™t smoke while reading our books! The smoke smell on paper is almost impossible to remove.
When will the library have another book sale?
We try to have an annual book sale in the Fall, just before or after school starts depending on how many books we have saved up during the year. Our prices are VERY reasonable, and the proceeds benefits the Friends group.
Where are the biographies? How are they organized?
Biographies are located in the very last row of the nonfiction books. They are organized by the call letter B with the person the book is about last name (example: B CHU for a biography about Winston Churchill)
What”™s the difference between a “biography” and an “autobiography”?
The main difference is that an autobiography is actually written by the person themselves, telling their own story. An example would be Michelle Obama”™s book Becoming. A biography is the true story of a person written by someone else.
What is the difference between “fiction” and “nonfiction”?
Fiction is a made up story that is not true (but could be based on a true event or person), and nonfiction is something that is factual, true account, scientific or known. There are many subjects under the term nonfiction, and they are shelved using the Dewey Decimal system.